The Linux open source operating system, or Linux OS, is a freely distributable, cross-platform operating system based on Unix

Monday, August 18, 2014

NFS in Solaris

NFS Commands

mount -F nfs -o proto=udp apps4:/u02 /apps4_u02

mount -o rw,timeo=600,hard,wsize=32768,vers=3,rsize=32768,tcp

mount -F nfs -o rw,timeo=600,hard,wsize=32768,vers=3,rsize=32768 proto=udp apps4:/u02 /apps4_u02

mount -F nfs -o hard, bg,proto=tcp, vers=3, suid, rsize=32768, wsize=32768, intr,noac apps4:/u02 /apps4_u02

mount -F apps4:/u02 /apps4_u02 nfs - yes hard, bg,proto=tcp, vers=3, suid, rsize=32768, wsize=32768, intr,noac

Reference: NFS Commands


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